Working for a better profession, globally
SWP is often called an art and a science with good reason. Comfortably working in an environment where not everything is perfectly clear or information is perfectly complete is a necessary quality for the team to possess and they must maintain a flexibility and agility in their approach. In essence, the pursuit of perfection should not be the enemy of producing good work.
Strategic Workforce Planning, so much help for you:
Highlighting great and effective practices enables all SWP Pro's to push forward and deliver even more value. We collaborate; capture insights; award individuals and organisations; research the topic of SWP; review content applicable to SWP; capture jobs for SWP Pro's; review tools and listen to our members and practitioners to deliver more valuable content driving the SWP Profession forward.
Supporting practitioners
Beyond the numbers and the clearly SWP related topics, we are expanding our support to our practitioners all the time.
Strategic Workforce Planning, so much help for you:
Core SWP; Business Understanding; Relationship Building and Management; Coping with uncertainty / ambiguity; Confidence working with data; Good Judgement; Q&As; and so much more...
And at the moment we are working on how to bring the new Applied Strategic Workforce Planning Framework to our members.Research
Consolidating already performed research, member led or commissioned by SWP Pro. One of our aims is to further the understanding and impact of great Strategic Workforce Planning on organisations.
Strategic Workforce Planning, so much help for and from you:
If you want to support our research, please get in touch. Several options to be recognised and even awarded as well as taking a more behind the scenes role. If you are new and interested or senior and experienced (or new to SWP and senior) there are plenty of options. At this moment we can't pay with any type of financial instruments, we can however help you improve your career options and provide references of your work in case you are interested in adding valuable SWP work to your CV.
Wealth of Knowledge
Come join us today, sign up during February when it is absolutely free to join and collaborate as a practitioner or aspiring practitioner.
There is place for non-practitioners too; suppliers of services and tools or generally interested in SWP. Just click on this link to sign up as a member, free to sign up in February.
We look forward to welcoming you.