SWP is an organisational capability
Benchmark where you are on the Strategic Workforce Planning maturity curve.
SWP is an organisational capability that drives significant benefits when done well. Having a robust process around the identification, management and mitigation of risk is essential and what keeps the organisation agile enough to have effective and timely responses to issues (and opportunities) as they arise. Risks are managed and a balance is struck between oversight (progress versus KPIs monitored and obstacles identified and overcome) and supervision (checking what’s been done, how it’s being done and imposing interventions if there are shortfalls). This one point of focus is essential in ensuring decisions are taken with a strategic and whole organisation focus.
Understanding your position - free to practitioners
One very effective tool to both understand where you are and gain buy-in. The headlines of the five levels are
Level 0
No SWP, some ad hoc WFP. No dedicated resource
Level 1
A small, insular team exists with some understanding of organisational strategy / KPIs who possess limited SWP skills and low executive level sponsorship.
Level 2
Good governance and executive sponsorship are in place as is engagement with the line. Work is focused on helping the business to achieve its objectives (KPIs and strategy).
Level 3
SWP is integrated across the organisation. The business’ needs are not just understood but better anticipated. Judgement proves valuable in formulating models and interpreting results that drive solutions - building new capabilities that support the company in winning, and sustaining, in the future.
Level 4
Master and Innovator
SWP is a partner in the organisational strategy process. Attuned to the business and its needs and alert to the external environment, the team pushes itself to go beyond existing capabilities and external benchmarks as it delivers strategic work planning.
What is important to your organisation; where do you want to be
From having done the SWP Maturity Assessment you will understand what you as an organisation value, specifically.
Your position and set your aim on what to improve
Only with the combination of knowing where you are and what you aim to achieve is is possible to properly and with intent start delivering a better Strategic Workforce Planning Capability to your organisation
Completing the SWP Maturity Assessment is free to Practitioner members. And if you are not yet a Practitioner member and you are interested in completing the assessment, sign up and one of our SWP Pro's will come back to discuss.